In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Kamen Rider's creation, the popular "Kamen Rider BLACK" is remade after over 30 years. The series returns to its roots with a sorrowful following a protagonist who shoulders a cruel destiny. Director Kazuya Shiraishi, creator of blockbuster works like "The Devil's Path" and "Last of the Wolves," reimagines "Kamen Rider Black" as "Kamen Rider Black Sun" in 2022.
The highly-accurate figure of Kaman Rider Black Sun includes a newly developed masked head with LED light-up eyes and antenna, a greatly-poseable body that captured every nuance of this character down to the fine details. The biological themed outfit is designed with realistic textures, it has been imbued with even more storytelling by a hidden Kamen Rider Black Sun emblem under the detachable chest armor, not to mention the specially applied luminous reflective patterns on the suit
Product Specifications
- 1:6 scale action figure of Black Sun from Kamen Rider Black Sun.
- A poseable and detailed collectible for fans of the iconic character.
- Relive Kamen Rider adventures with this figure.